Tuesday 25 August 2009

The Innkeeper

" Innkeeper" had a daughter fair
Rounded chest, and Auburn hair
Allday long she ran around
Delivering ale,spilling on the ground
Customer`s loved this " Maiden Fair "
Looks not mattered, they not care
This poor lass, she had one leg
That`s right folks, a wooden peg
Menfolk gazed, a glorious sight
As she moved, throught the night
Comment`s said, comment`s made
About this " Bucsom", fair haired maid
Was she good, was she bad
Only one that really know`s
Ask her
" Dad"


  1. Ilike this one. Makes sense, not like 'beat poetry' which beats me!

  2. As we continue to be friends..I find you more and more full of great wit!

  3. had to return to remind u that u have great potential as a writer!
    u haven't visited my blog since quite some time1
