Friday 21 August 2009


Cave so big, open wide
What secrets do you hide
Your size, so great
Your secrets, I anticipate
Enter slowly, bending low
Down and down I must go
Onto treasures, may I find
A bone, a skull, and much more
Treasures abound on your floor
Roof so high, icicles hang
Smiling brightly
Bat`s shoot by, in great delight
Speeding through your great height
The air, so still with content
Surely, this was heaven sent
Lower, lower, do I saunter
A lowly stream
Clear running water in it`s depth
Fish dart, to and fro
Shining in the ebbing flow
The size, the depth, it does amaze
Further down, I tread slowly
The ghostly air, all around
Colours grey, black and brown
Eary silence, does prevail
In this cave, a holy grail
Of what life was in the past
This adventure, to never end
Bottom reached, time is short
Return I must at some stage
More adventure in this
" Cave"


  1. Such lovely poetry! Why aren't u writing more?

  2. I find myself wanting to explore the cave, follow the trail, find the holy grail, splash through the clear running water, grab at the fishes as they dart! This poem makes me feel ready for adventure...
