Saturday 22 August 2009

A Life

T`was year of 44

When I arrived at the door

" Of Life "

Not knowing, where or when

It`s turning circle

Would lead and end

As I grew older. and understood

That life is full of twists and turns

Up`s and down`s

An adventure I behold

The hate and torment of

Everyday things

Can bring mistrust to the meaning

" Of Life"

Adventures of life, are short lived

On and on we to go to explore

We can believe, we can mistrust

But in the end, life is a must

For all to see, enjoy at best

Eventually to find a place to rest

Now the year of 2009

Surely, it must be, my time

Enjoy the things God be-throthe

On us, the human race

For everyone, there is a place

Be black or white, no matter what

Enjoy my friends

It is our, time

To rejoice, in the meaning of

" Life "


  1. You give so much meaning to'Life' in this one!
    And with such positive vibes!
    How many of us can rejoice, at this stage?

  2. In today's world of strife: global warming, financial ruin, oil wars, religious wars, mistrust I imagine is an issue.... And yet you bring to light an optimism we can all embrace with hope!
